Donate towards our goal of $13,000 per summer!


Goal: $13,000

Billed Once

Support our company mission and make a one time donation of any amount towards our goal of $13,000 per summer!

Donate by buying a shirt!

1500 shirts/hoodies

Billed once

Donate to I Fox with That Inc. by purchasing a Phamiliashop Inc. designed shirt or hoodie! Visit to learn more about Phamiliashop Inc!

Cash App One Time Donation

Goal: $13,000

Billed once

Support our nonprofit by sending us a cash app! Cash app any desired amount towards our annual goal!


Below are donation plans billed annually!

Donate $1 monthly!


Billed annually

Support our company mission with a small monthly donation of $1 a month and $12 billed annually!

Donate $5 monthly!


Billed annually

Support our company mission with a small monthly donation of $5 a month and $60 billed annually!

Donate $10 monthly!


Billed annually

Support our company mission with a small monthly donation of $10 a month and $120 billed annually!

Donate $20 monthly!


Billed annually

Support our company mission with a small monthly donation of $20 a month and $240 billed annually!

Donate $50 monthly!


Billed annually

Support our company mission with a small monthly donation of $50 a month and $600 billed annually!

Generous Annual Plans

Plans for generous givers!

Donate $1k Annually


Billed annually

Support our company mission with a generous annual donation of $1000.

Donate $3k Annually


Billed annually

Support our company mission with a generous annual donation of $3000.

Donate $5k Annually!


Billed annually

Support our company mission with a generous annual donation of $5000.


1660 Soldiers Field Rd #1043
Brighton, MA, 02135, US

About us

I Fox with That Inc. is a nonprofit community summer outreach program catered to troubled youth ages 16-23 affected by pregnancy, homelessness and gang violence. Aiming to inspire the next generation of leaders to become more equipped for adulthood and entrepreneurship by helping them establish their credit using a print on demand company and secured credit cards. 

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